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Thursday 16 July 2015

Vedic Wisdom from Nature - A Peacock

The feathers of a peacock are part and parcel of the body of the peacock. Similarly, cit( sentient beings - jivatma) and acit( non- living matter) are inseparable part and parcel of the shariram( body) of the supreme lord. Therefore since everything has originated from brahmam and all (cit and acit) are part and parcel of brahmam, they can also be called as brahmam as the supreme absolute truth exercises complete dominion and sovereignity on everything he possess, thus satisfying the Upanishad vakya i.e 'sarvam kalau idam brahma' Also a Peacock lifts its feather during the appropriate time and again withdraws it back when not required. Similarly the supreme Brahmam creates, maintains and destroys his wonderous creations consisting of cit and acit during the appropriate times(kala).

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