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Tuesday 28 July 2015

Pearls of Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.28


Bg 1.28

dṛṣṭvemaṁ sva-janaṁ kṛṣṇa
yuyutsuṁ samupasthitam
kṛpayā parayāviṣṭo
viṣīdann idam abravīt

When the son of Kuntī, Arjuna, saw all these different grades of friends and relatives, he became overwhelmed with compassion and spoke thus.
1) Sva Janam: We can clearly observe the mammakaram (my) in arjuna by referring the people in the opponent army as my people.  Arjuna said : " Iam seeing my people all assembled together not for some auspicious occassion but to fight against me standing in the side of adharma.
2) kṛṣṇa : a) One who gives pleasure to the earth and its inhabitants is called as krishna
               b) Dark god resembling clouds; symbolizing compassion like the clouds.
3) Who is a bhaktha?
Ans) One who rushes to help those who are need of help considering everyone as part and parcel of the supreme lord  without considering his personal discomfort.
4)  Sah kaunteya: That Kunti Putra who is filled with karuna, krupa and daya...
5) The supreme Lord always keeps thinking how all good can i do to people. this means the supreme lord is a highly sentient being filled with great intelligence. Only because he has intelligence he is able to know what are the needs different people require and what he does not require. To execute his plans he has great strength and to practically implement his plans; the supreme lord must have karunai ( the great quality of compassion). 

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