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Saturday 25 July 2015

Pearls of Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.25


Bg 1.25

sarveṣāṁ ca mahī-kṣitām
uvāca pārtha paśyaitān
samavetān kurūn iti


In the presence of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and all the other chieftains of the world, the Lord said, “Just behold, Pārtha, all the Kurus assembled here.”


Q1) Why The Supreme Lord Sri Hari placed the chariot in front of Bhisma and Drona?

Ans) a) The Supreme Lord purposely placed the chariot in front of Bhisma and Drona to give Gita for the benefit of Mankind. Only if Arjuna gets confused;  doubts will crop up and thus he will be able to give deep meanings of Gita.
          b) The Supreme Lord gave final opportunity to Bhisma and Drona to change their minds and give up the side of the Kauravas. Because during the disrobing of Draupadi, they kept quite and they incorrectly thought " The Pandavas lost their property and thus now Draupadi belongs to Duryodhana and thus why should i protect ? "
        c) The Supreme Lord wanted to show Arjuna the massive might and strength of the opponents like Bhishma and Drona to whom he is going to fight and thus to inform him to take his duty very seriously.

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