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Sunday 26 July 2015

Pearls of Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.26


Bg 1.26

tatrāpaśyat sthitān pārthaḥ
pitṝn atha pitāmahān
ācāryān mātulān bhrātṝn
putrān pautrān sakhīṁs tathā
śvaśurān suhṛdaś caiva
senayor ubhayor api

There Arjuna could see, within the midst of the armies of both parties, his fathers, grandfathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons, friends, and also his fathers-in-law and well-wishers.


Q) Arjuna would have known to some extent the members in the opposite army, but why was he shocked to see them?

Ans) Arjuna had thought all of them were his friends but when suddenly he saw them all in the opponents side ; he was thus shocked.
       The relations in the world are temporary, peoples mind change during circumstances. We must never expect anything material from anyone. We must consider everyone as bhagavath bhandhus and maintain ones relationship in this mood. 
          For example, in Sri Ramanyana, Sri Lakshmana says to Sumantra "My father, my relatives, my bandhu( friend) and everything is all Sri Rama."

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