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Thursday 30 July 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.32


Bg 1.32

na kāṅkṣe vijayaṁ kṛṣṇa
na ca rājyaṁ sukhāni ca
kiṁ no rājyena govinda
kiṁ bhogair jīvitena vā

Krishna, I do not desire victory in war nor the Kingdom nor the pleasures Govinda! What use is the KIngdom to us? What is the use of enjoyments or even living?
Q) The Supreme Lord said " If u do not fight, you will not get rajyam ( the kingdom ), then you cannot enjoy.
Ans) Arjuna says " What is the use of all these as i will get these at the cost of lives of others.
        There are 3 categories of people.
        a) He lives and sustains himself at the cost of other people.
        b) He lives and also lets others live.
       c) He who even at the cost of his own self and discomfort; he allows others to live. For example, a candle gives light to others at the cost of its own by burning itself and reducing itself. Also a Sandalwood tree gives  its wonderful fragrance even to the woodcutter who is just about to chop of the tree.
           From this sloka we come to know that although Arjuna was a powerful Royal Kshatriya; still he belonged to the above 3rd category, thus highlighting the unique great quality of Arjuna.

Q) Why did Arjuna call Sri Krishna as Govinda ?
Ans)  a) Because Arjuna felt Sri Krishna had himself earned a lot of good name by protecting his cows and his cowherd kinsmen, but on the contrary he wanted Arjuna to kill everyone and earn bad name.
         b) Govinda means one who has come to Bhoomi(earth) to protect it. Arjuna indirectly said " You yourself has incarnated in this earth to protect everyone but still you want me to kill everyone instead of protecting ."

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