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Friday 24 July 2015

Pearls of Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.24


Bg 1.24

sañjaya uvāca
evam ukto hṛṣīkeśo
guḍākeśena bhārata
senayor ubhayor madhye
sthāpayitvā rathottamam
Sañjaya said: O descendant of Bharata, having thus been addressed by Arjuna, Lord Kṛṣṇa drew up the fine chariot in the midst of the armies of both parties.
There are 3 states of mind i.e Jagratha, Svapna and Sushupthi. Jagratha is the state where both the mind and the senses are active, Svapna is the state where the Mind is active but senses are inactive, Sushupthi is the state where both the Mind and the senses are Inactive. Arjuna is addressed here as guḍākeśa i.e one who has controlled sleep. It is not so easy to defeat sleep. 
Q) If Arjuna does not sleep and thus give rest to his senses then how could he get strength? 
Ans) Arjuna had the wisdom and strength to give rest to his indriyas (senses)  through his power of Dhyanam (meditation) and Yoga Balam (Strength of Yoga). Arjuna had great sense control that he even defeated the lure of Ramba and Urvasi when they approached him and called them his Mothers. Such was the mental strength of Arjuna that he was glorified by Sanjaya as guḍākeśa.

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