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Monday 31 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 2.1


Bg 2.1

sañjaya uvāca
taṁ tathā kṛpayāviṣṭam
viṣīdantam idaṁ vākyam
uvāca madhusūdanaḥ
Sanjaya Said " Sri Krishna ( The slayer of Demon Madhu ) said these words to Arjuna who was thus full of compassion, with his eyes troubled and full of tears and grief."

1) madhusūdanaḥ : Here mentioning the 2 demons( Madhu and Kaitabha)  signifies the dual enemies of mankind that is Rajo Gunam ( The mode of Passion )- Tamo Gunam ( The mode of Ignorance ) and Kama ( Lust ) - Krodha( Anger ) being the product of the former i.e Rajas. Thus we must endeavour to destroy Rajas and Tamas and cultivate Sattva Guna characterized as the mode of Goodness which nurtures and inspires within us to hanker and know about the Supreme Lord. 
2)   kṛpayāviṣṭam: Indicates Arjuna who was full with compassion. He was falsely entangled and attached due to compassion that he was unable to perform his sva Dharma ( i.e his duties as a warrior to fight for justice and establishment of relegion ). We must not become so entangled in affection that we even give up our relegious duties for its sake. Today people in the world are too absorbed in materialism characterized by too much craving and attachment to material objects and its pleasure that they are no longer interested about relegion and its principles and instead dare to criticize those who follow them sincerely. We must never come to a state that without this one cannot live. In addition; we must also not develop too much affection that we disobey even the Supreme Lord. Example: When Sri Rama ordered Lakshmana to take the throne; he refused but Bharatha wholeheartedly abided by the orders of Sri Rama and ruled the city dutifully. 

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