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Saturday 22 August 2015

Summary of 2nd Chapter of Sri Bhagavat Gita ( Sankhya Yoga )

The Second Chapter of Sri Bhagavat Gita is also called Sankhya Yoga i.e the Science to understand atma through buddhi ( intelligence ). The Summary of this chapter include the below points i.e
1) Atma is Nityam ( Eternal )
2) About Karma Yogam
3) About Jnana Yogam and about Jnana Yogis.

By performance of Karma without attachment one attains the stage of Jnana Yoga --> By the performance of which one attains Atma Sakshatkaram ( realization of ones atma ( i.e soul ) by which he sees everyone as samam (equal ) as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord Sri Hari.

The root disease of everyone which is the cause of all problems in todays world such as violence, war, social hatred, lust etc is all because of falsely considering deha ( ones material body ) and atma ( soul ) as one ( i.e non- different from each other ).

A jnana Yogi is one who is a Sthitha Prajna i.e one who is steady i.e one whose buddhi ( intelligence ) is devoid of confusion and disturbance. With such a mind free from disturbance; one is able to contemplate on atma and paramatma and thus finally realize its true original nature.

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