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Monday 17 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.47


Bg 1.47

sañjaya uvāca
evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye
rathopastha upāviśat
visṛjya sa-śaraṁ cāpaṁ
Sanjaya Said " Arjuna saying thus in the battlefield sat down in the floor of the chariot, throwing away his bow along with the arrows, with his mind overwhelmed by grief
To come out of flickering or confusion in mind; one must hear and take advice from those who are steady and free from flickering in mind. Arjuna took the right decision to take advice from the Supreme Authority Sri Krishna instead of chosing an ordinary mortal who is himself confused in the path to bliss. Today majority of individuals who are sincere seekers of happiness are being misled and bewildered by so called advertisements, media and consulting and educational insititutions who promise a great happy life ahead. Arjuna did not sob on account of fear of others but because of his sincere and serious Dharma Sankata ( Confusion in relegious matters ) in which his mind was bewildered if he killed the kauravas in the battle. Whenever we have any problems in life we must immediately address it by taking help from the proper authority. It was only because Arjuna revealed his grief, the Supreme Lord Sri Hari decided to give his Upadesha ( Supreme Instructions ). 

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