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Saturday 8 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.40


Bg 1.40

kula-kṣaye praṇaśyanti
kula-dharmāḥ sanātanāḥ
dharme naṣṭe kulaṁ kṛtsnam
adharmo ’bhibhavaty uta

In the destruction of family; ancient family virtues perish. With the loss of such virtues, Adharma ( Irrelegion ) takes over the whole family indeed.

When Kulam ( Dynasty ) is destroyed --> Kula Dharma ( family virtues and relegious practices) is destroyed--> Thus Adharma( Irrelegion ) takes place --> Thus because of Adharma ( Irrelegious Principles ) the whole world gets destroyed.
Each one of us is identifed by ones Kulam ( Dynasty ) and each Kulam is identified by its respective duties. The responsiblity of the Brahmanas is to maintain relegious principles and relegious atmosphere, the Kshatriyas were responsible for protecting the nation, the Vaishyas were responsible for economic development ( Business) and the Fourth Varna is to help the remaining castes so that they perform their duties comfortable. For Example Sri Rama says; my Kula Dharma is to protect those who surrender unto me. Only if each performs their respective duty; then not only will the world be relegious but also economically prosper. India has always been known for its diversity in its culture. Its advancement in agriculture, Dance, Pottery, Military, Handicrafts and success in many fields is because of the Kula Dharma which was followed; unlike the western countries which are successful only in one Software industry. Our country was a self sufficient and a completely balanced prosperous country until the British era; when the first onslaught on our eternal Kula Dharma ( Varnashrama Dharma ) happened on account of the british; when they begun introducing machines and thus people started leaving their eternal Kula Dharma occupations.    

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