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Tuesday 11 August 2015

Vedanta in Practical World - A Driving School

The Trainer sits beside the Learner driver of a car and instructs and guides him to adjust the gear, clutch and brakes of his vehicle to drive the car.
The Learner Driver is none other than the Jivatma, the Vehicle is nothing but the material body which is controlled and driven by the jivatma, the Trainer is none other than the Paramatma who sits close besides the jivatma and instructs and influences him in his journey in life to perform different actions based on the proportion of Papa- Punya Karma and the proportion of the 3 Gunas ( Sattva, Rajas and Tamas ) associated with the jivatma.
When the Learner Driver of a car refuses to follow the instruction of the Trainer; he meets with an accident, similarly our repeated refusal to listen to the instructions of the supreme lord from within as Paramatma and without through instructions of vedas and Spiritual Master will cause us to take repeated births and deaths in this Material world.

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