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Tuesday 11 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.43


Bg 1.43

doṣair etaiḥ kula-ghnānāṁ
utsādyante jāti-dharmāḥ
kula-dharmāś ca śāśvatāḥ

By these sins of the destroyers of the family, causing such mixing of castes, eternal virtues of caste and the virtues of family also are destroyed.
1) śāśvatāḥ: Varnashrama Kula Dharma have not been discovered recently, but its there and being practised eternally since time immemorial. Hence one must not give up ones authorized Kula Dharma which is practised from generations to generations.
2) jāti-dharmāḥ: It includes the 4 divisions such as Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. They are all coming from different parts of body of the Lord.
3) The Supreme Lord himself protected the Kulam of the Pandavas by protecting Parikshith from the weopen released by Ashwathama

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