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Sunday 6 March 2016

Secularisim and Sanatana Dharma

In todays world, the politically leaders are in dire need of a society where people do not discriminate between gender, community, age, caste and creed and possess an equal vision to all. Although the desire is great, are we progressing in the right direction to achieve such a goal? Does today educational institutions provide a practical framework or a methodology to train future leaders or students to achieve this ? The answer is 'NO'.

In the 5th Chapter of the Sri Bhagavad Gita; Sri Krishna says: "
brahmane gavi hastini
suni caiva sva-pake ca
panditah sama-darsinah"

" The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and a gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog eater " 

Now what is this true knowledge ?

Sri Krishna in the 2nd Chapter of Sri Bhagavad Gita says. "
prajahāti yadā kāmān
sarvān pārtha mano-gatān
ātmany evātmanā tuṣṭaḥ
sthita-prajñas tadocyate
Arjuna, a person who is pleased in mind realizing his own atma; is a person of true steady knowledge."

Sri Krishna again glorifies that education of atma as being the topmost in the 9th Chapter 2nd Sloka of the Sri Bhagavad Gita as 

rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ
pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ
su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam

"This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge and because it gives direct perception of the self ( atma ), it is the perfection of relegion. It is everlasting and joyfully performed."

That educational institution which teaches this supreme science of aquiring this equal vision is the topmost educational system.

Sri Krishna declares in Sri Bhagavad Gita 4th Chapter; how this great Supreme science was thus handed over through eons of generations in our culture of Sanatana Dharma ( the eternal relegion ) through lineage of Raja Rishis.

imaṁ vivasvate yogaṁ
proktavān aham avyayam
vivasvān manave prāha
manur ikṣvākave ’bravīt

" I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the Sun God, Vivasvan and then Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of Mankind and Manu in turn instructeit to Iksvaku"

evaṁ paramparā-prāptam
imaṁ rājarṣayo viduḥ
sa kāleneha mahatā
yogo naṣṭaḥ paran-tapa

"This supreme science was thus recieved through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings undesrstood it in that way. "

Thus unless this practical knowledge of the Science of the Soul ( atma ) is brought into our current  fabric of the educational institutions, there is no way our country could produce a perfect gentleman with equal vision and true secularisim.

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