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Friday 7 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.38


Bg 1.38

yady apy ete na paśyanti
kula-kṣaya-kṛtaṁ doṣaṁ
mitra-drohe ca pātakam

These People with their mind overwhelmed by greed, do not see the evil caused by the destruction of the family and the sin of being treacherous to friends.

1) Two kinds of Papa ( sins ) was spoken here by Arjuna which the Kauravas were unable to percieve; that is:
                            a) The Destruction of Kula ( Dynasty )
                            b) Being treacherous to friends.
In todays society we find some are very rich with full wealth and nice food to eat but the others have no money and no food to eat and thus suffer from malnutrition. This is all the result of Greed. Also sometimes we do not want others to possess nice things. Because of Duryodhanas greed for power; he did not even hesitate nor mind to destroy even the dynasty to gratify his sensual desire for Power. 
Arjuna says to Krishna " You yourself is born in Yadu Kulam to elevate it and bring fame but you want me to participate in this war and thus result in destruction of our Kulam".
Sri Nrsimha Promises Prahlada " I will not kill any asuras from your lineage". Thus stressing again the importance of Kula ( Dynasty ) which acts instrumental in maintaning relegious principles ( Dharma ). 
2) Importance of Friends
a) Sri Rama says to Sugreeva " Even if Vibhishana falsely comes as my friend; i will not leave him under any cause ". 
b) One must never cheat friends; for example becoming very close and thus cheating him of all his wealth etc.

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