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Monday 31 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 2.1


Bg 2.1

sañjaya uvāca
taṁ tathā kṛpayāviṣṭam
viṣīdantam idaṁ vākyam
uvāca madhusūdanaḥ
Sanjaya Said " Sri Krishna ( The slayer of Demon Madhu ) said these words to Arjuna who was thus full of compassion, with his eyes troubled and full of tears and grief."

1) madhusūdanaḥ : Here mentioning the 2 demons( Madhu and Kaitabha)  signifies the dual enemies of mankind that is Rajo Gunam ( The mode of Passion )- Tamo Gunam ( The mode of Ignorance ) and Kama ( Lust ) - Krodha( Anger ) being the product of the former i.e Rajas. Thus we must endeavour to destroy Rajas and Tamas and cultivate Sattva Guna characterized as the mode of Goodness which nurtures and inspires within us to hanker and know about the Supreme Lord. 
2)   kṛpayāviṣṭam: Indicates Arjuna who was full with compassion. He was falsely entangled and attached due to compassion that he was unable to perform his sva Dharma ( i.e his duties as a warrior to fight for justice and establishment of relegion ). We must not become so entangled in affection that we even give up our relegious duties for its sake. Today people in the world are too absorbed in materialism characterized by too much craving and attachment to material objects and its pleasure that they are no longer interested about relegion and its principles and instead dare to criticize those who follow them sincerely. We must never come to a state that without this one cannot live. In addition; we must also not develop too much affection that we disobey even the Supreme Lord. Example: When Sri Rama ordered Lakshmana to take the throne; he refused but Bharatha wholeheartedly abided by the orders of Sri Rama and ruled the city dutifully. 

Saturday 22 August 2015

Summary of 2nd Chapter of Sri Bhagavat Gita ( Sankhya Yoga )

The Second Chapter of Sri Bhagavat Gita is also called Sankhya Yoga i.e the Science to understand atma through buddhi ( intelligence ). The Summary of this chapter include the below points i.e
1) Atma is Nityam ( Eternal )
2) About Karma Yogam
3) About Jnana Yogam and about Jnana Yogis.

By performance of Karma without attachment one attains the stage of Jnana Yoga --> By the performance of which one attains Atma Sakshatkaram ( realization of ones atma ( i.e soul ) by which he sees everyone as samam (equal ) as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord Sri Hari.

The root disease of everyone which is the cause of all problems in todays world such as violence, war, social hatred, lust etc is all because of falsely considering deha ( ones material body ) and atma ( soul ) as one ( i.e non- different from each other ).

A jnana Yogi is one who is a Sthitha Prajna i.e one who is steady i.e one whose buddhi ( intelligence ) is devoid of confusion and disturbance. With such a mind free from disturbance; one is able to contemplate on atma and paramatma and thus finally realize its true original nature.

Monday 17 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.47


Bg 1.47

sañjaya uvāca
evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye
rathopastha upāviśat
visṛjya sa-śaraṁ cāpaṁ
Sanjaya Said " Arjuna saying thus in the battlefield sat down in the floor of the chariot, throwing away his bow along with the arrows, with his mind overwhelmed by grief
To come out of flickering or confusion in mind; one must hear and take advice from those who are steady and free from flickering in mind. Arjuna took the right decision to take advice from the Supreme Authority Sri Krishna instead of chosing an ordinary mortal who is himself confused in the path to bliss. Today majority of individuals who are sincere seekers of happiness are being misled and bewildered by so called advertisements, media and consulting and educational insititutions who promise a great happy life ahead. Arjuna did not sob on account of fear of others but because of his sincere and serious Dharma Sankata ( Confusion in relegious matters ) in which his mind was bewildered if he killed the kauravas in the battle. Whenever we have any problems in life we must immediately address it by taking help from the proper authority. It was only because Arjuna revealed his grief, the Supreme Lord Sri Hari decided to give his Upadesha ( Supreme Instructions ). 

Friday 14 August 2015

Vedanta in Nature - Moon

Just like the Waxing and Waning of a Moon is relative to our eyes; the Moon in reality remains the same; similarly the constant transformation one observes in the form of birth, transformation from young age to Youth to Middle Age to Old Age, disease and finally death is only for the material body; the individual i.e the Atma remains the same without any transformation.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Pearls of Sri Bhagavat Gita - Chapter 1.45, 46


Bg 1.45,46

aho bata mahat pāpaṁ
kartuṁ vyavasitā vayam
yad rājya-sukha-lobhena
hantuṁ sva-janam udyatāḥ

yadi mām apratīkāram
aśastraṁ śastra-pāṇayaḥ
dhārtarāṣṭrā raṇe hanyus
tan me kṣema-taraṁ bhavet

Alas, we made efforts to commit great sin, by attempting to kill our own people, due to greed for the pleasures of the kingdom. It will be better for me if the sons of Dhritarashtra with arms in their hands; kill me in the war, myself not fighting back and being without arms.

1) Arjuna said" I do not know already how to relieve myself from the sins due to my participation in gambling; but we are once again going to commit another sin."
But Sri Krishna replied " But whatever atrocities the Kauravas had done is also sin; therefore you have the right to fight against them."
Arjuna replied " Even still; the result of this war is only insignificant Rajyam ( Kingdom ) simply to satisfy ones own greed.
Sri Krishna Replied " But Sri Rama also fought in the war and also killed female demons not for insignificant pleasures but for the welfare of the whole world"
Sri Krishna said to arjuna " If you dont kill them; they will kill you ? "
Arjuna Replied " Its alright even if they kill me " . Its not out of fear Arjuna replied like this, Arjuna knew perfectly that he will win the war; but its due to his soft heart filled with compassion for his brothers he desisted from the war. He feared " If i killed them which is not according to relegious principles; he will incur sins
2) mahat pāpaṁ: After Hanuman was captured by Ravana; he decided to kill Hanuman as he did not follow the codes of a Messenger by killing many soldiers of Lanka; but Vibhishana  replied " Still on account of him being a Dhoota ( Messenger ) its Maha Papam ( a great sin ) to kill a messenger. Similarly Arjuna replied " Although the Kauravas had humiliated Draupadi and also tried to kill us; still if i kill them for the pleasure of my kingdom its a great sin.