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Friday 17 March 2017

Why Spirituality not embraced by many?

This is a subject matter which needs to be pondered by many. However i would like to give few reasons what our poorvacharyas spoke in this regards.

As the days progress; with the so called advancement in Science and Technology and with new inventions being brought across; more valuable time of our lives is being spent to understand and research on these external subject matters. The Great Universities and educational Institutions are more inclined to this branch of knowledge to keep up with the Market Trends. The education curriculum in schools imprint in the minds of youngsters that " Unless these subjects are learnt; it would be difficult to get a suitable Job and thus for a survival.
One needs to spend atleast 16 years of ones life in education institutions to get qualified in a material subject with a degree,  With no such opportunities provided for spiritual training to the youngsters ; there is a common distaste in spirituality when one becomes an adult. This mindset of spiritual aversion is thus passed on to ones next generation; thus creating a population of people with spiritual aversion or atheistic attitude.

Spirituality deals with highly atomic and subtle subject matters such as Atman ( Soul ), Paramatman ( Supersoul or antaryami ) etc which is not perceived by ones external senses without sincere practise and a dedicated training program; however material subject matters are easily perceived by ones senses and does not require much effort to understand them.
Shvetashvatara Upanishad  5.9 explains scientifically the atomic nature of the spirit soul.
balagra-shata-bhagasya shatadha kalpitasya cha / bhago jivah sa vijneya sa chanantyaya kalpate "

" When the upper point of a hair is divided into 100 parts and again each such part is further divided into 100 parts, each such part is the measurement of the dimension of the spirit soul ( atman )."

In the Bhagavad Gita (2.25); Sri Krishna explains 
"   avyakto'yam achintyo'yam avikaryo'yam uchyate / tasmad evam viditvainam nanushochitum arhasi- " 

" The soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable and unchangeable " .

This tiny particle thus cannot be comprehended and captured in the laboratory by the scientist through emperical endeavours. As the common saying amongst the Youth today goes " Seeing is Believing ", thus we no wonder why less people are interested to learn and take to spirituality.

In fact Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita 4.16 stresses how even the wise are thus confused about spiritual subject matters.

kim karma kim akarmeti
kavayo 'py atra mohitah
tat te karma pravaksyami
yaj jnatva moksyase 'subhat (4.16).

The vedas being the source of spiritual knowledge is eternal and unlimited ( ananto vai vedAH puranah ). Because of its vastness and greatness; Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita ( 2.2 ) talks about the process of receiving spiritual knowledge.

evam parampara-praptam
imam rajarsayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata
yogo nastah parantapa (2.2) 

" This Supreme Science was thus received through the chain of disciplic successions and the saintly kings understood them in this way" 

Unless Spiritual Knowledge is transmitted from and learnt from an Acharya in the line of a spiritual succession emanating from the Supreme Lord Sri Hari; he is bound to be frustrated and bewildered in his quest for spiritual knowledge.

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