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Sunday 5 March 2017

Krishna's Step towards Fearlessness - Step 2

The next key towards fearlessness is to not consider himself the only doer of an action. When one thinks himself as the sole doer of an action; he gets attached to the results of that action performed and becomes anxious towards the results. 

Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 18.13,14 explains 5 factors responsible for any action performed. 

pancaitani maha-baho
karanani nibodha me
sankhye krtante proktani
siddhaye sarva-karmanam

adhisthanam tatha karta
karanam ca prthag-vidham
vividhas ca prthak cesta
daivam caivatra pancamam

"The 5 factors are the material body, the senses, the atman, Prana-Vayu, Paramatma"

When these 5 factors are in sync; an action is successful and produces fruit. The failure of even one of the factors will spoil the sport. For example; assume a student worked hard for his exams and has prepared well for it; however; on the day of the examinations; his body falls ill; thus he was unable to perform well. Similarly; assume a team of 5 members working towards for a Project completion; failure of even one team member will delay the project completion. 

Sri Krishna in this verse tries to convince Arjuna to not take the complete burden on oneself and be fearful of the results ( success or failure ). You only have the right to do you duty.

BG 2.47

karmany evadhikaras te
ma phalesu kadacana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
ma te sango 'stv akarmani

" You have the right to do your duty. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities and never be attached to not doing your duty."

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