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Monday 13 March 2017

Ones Greatest Enemy as per Sri Krishna

Today everyone is trying hard to conquer his external problems in the form of finance, relationships, economics etc. There is no less of Universities and courses which help us to succeed in this.
However In Sri Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna talks of conquering ones greatest enemy which is more Internal than outside.

sri-bhagavan uvaca
kama esa krodha esa
mahasano maha-papma
viddhy enam iha vairinam ( 3.37 )

" Know this Desire which is born from the Mode of Passion ( Rajo Guna ) which induces one to enjoy sense objects. This Desire develops into Anger; which is the all devouring sinful enemy of this world. "

When ones desire is not fulfilled, it leads to Greediness, Jealousy, competition, anger, frustration and vengeance. Today the whole world is living in fear on account of the lack of steps taken by the leaders of our society to bring them under check.

Sri Krishna in Verse 3.39 further talks of the consequence one faces when one is influenced by this Desire.

avrtam jnanam etena
jnanino nitya-vairina
kama-rupena kaunteya
duspurenanalena ca 
( 3.39 )

" Thus a man's pure conciousness is covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust , having mean objectives and very difficult to satisfy " 

This desire produces mad liking for sense objects and which can never satisfy ones inner heart.
This thus conceals his knowledge and leads him astray; by making him interested only in enjoyment of worldly pleasures. He thus loses interest in knowledge of the soul.

Sri Krishna describes such people as Demons whose sole aim is to satisfy their strong desires and thus work towards the destruction of the world.

cintam aparimeyam ca
pralayantam upasritah
etavad iti niscitah
asa-pasa-satair baddhah
ihante kama-bhogartham
anyayenartha-sancayan  (16.11-12)

" Such Demons believe that to satisfy their desires upto the end of their life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being thus bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification " 

prasaktah kama-bhogesu
patanti narake 'sucau (16.16)

" Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by network of illusions , one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and thus fall down to hell. "

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