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Wednesday 15 March 2017

Is God Responsible for all Sufferings?

In the course of one experiencing untolerable pains & sufferings; it prompts even a highly relegious person to ponder for a minute " Why is God causing me so much pain ? ".

Q) Is God Responsible for all Sufferings and discriminations in this world?
Ans) Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita 4.14 talks of 2 important concepts one needs to understand.
A) Macro Cause or Generic Cause
B) Micro or specific cause

Let us Dwell into an example to help us understand these concepts clearly.
Example 1 : A Farmer is eager to sow and reap nice food crops for his next harvest. Being the common cause; he plants all his seeds in his field,  ensures proper care for all seeds by providing adequate water, manures and sunlight for all the seeds. However on the day of Harvest; he finds not all seeds have grown into mature plants. Is the farmer responsible for the bad harvest? No!; The farmer here is the Macro Cause or the Generic Cause for the seeds; however the quality of seed ( being the Micro Cause ) is the specific cause for the poor harvest.
Example 2: A Proprietor of a Company starts a factory, purchases machinery and employs workers for the business. The Proprietor being a common cause; sets up processes; provides adequate infrastructure and comfort for all the employees. However; the performance of the employee is the Micro Cause. If a worker injures himself while operating a machine; the proprietor of the company being a generic cause is not responsible for his suffering. Its the worker himself ( the specific cause ).

Sri Krishna elaborates .

na mam karmani limpanti
na me karma-phale sprha
iti mam yo 'bhijanati
karmabhir na sa badhyate (4.14)

" Works are not connected with me. In me there is no desire for the fruits of actions. He who knows me in this way is not bound by his past karmas " .
"Iam not the cause for the differences amongst people i.e Poor-Rich, Beautiful-Ugly and their current state. Its their specific causes ( individual Karmas ) responsible for this. It is based on ones karma; i perform the processes of creation, maintenance and destruction. " 

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