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Friday 10 March 2017

Is Everything Pre-Destined ?

Vedic Sastras talk about 2 types of Karma
a) Niyata Karma
b) Aniyata Karma

Niyata Karmas are those which are pre-destined such as the Curse of the Sage Srngi unto Maharaja Parikshith as depicted in the Srimad Bhagavatha Purana; that; The King would be bitten by a snake and thus would die in 7 days.

Aniyata Karmas are those which are accomplished through ones efforts. For example 98% of those which happen in our life fall under Aniyatha Karmas . For example; if one does not adopt a proper lifestyle and personal hygiene and cleanliness; he is bound to fall ill, if one does not score well in his examinations; it is because of his lack of preparation, similarly if one meets with an accident; it implies he did not drive carefully.

One must not necessarily shift the blame on destiny or God for all things we face in our life right from common cold to others.

It is a must we all deeply contemplate within on the shortcomings from our side before we point our fingers to the divine or towards ones destiny.

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