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Thursday 23 May 2013

The highest relegious principles is Saranagathi(phylosophy of surrender) unto the SUpreme Lord Narayana.

Saranagathi(Surrendering unto bhagavan) is a state of mind of a person wherein he developed staunch faith in the ultimate causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord unto him because of say a particular circumstance in his life; and thus he prostrates and says and pleads to his supreme lord seated withinin his heart "You yourself be the means to attain you; i have no mental strength and intelligence to either know and understand you.Iam completely contaminated by my past sins and thus totally disqualified to attain you. You know me very well; my past history; thus my likes and dislikes; thus u are my eternal father and well wisher. Thus kindly guide me step by step and provide me direction to attain you."
Once this state of mind is achieved; the Supreme Lord immediately takes charge and reschedules our entire past Karma such that it gets exhausted in this very life itself and thus he gives us liberation at the end of our lives.

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