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Thursday 23 May 2013

Meaning of Charama Sloka :"Sarva Dharman Parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja". Does the Supreme Lord suggest to give up everything and our duties in Bhagavad Gita?

Krishna meant :" Consider The Supreme Lord Krishna himself as the sole and ONLY means to attain him. and not consider other paths of Dharma i.e Karma Yoga/Jnana Yoga/Bhakthi Yoga as the means to reach him. A Saranagatha also engages in action, bhakthi..but as a service, pleasure, pastime and kainkaryam to bhagavan as long as he is there in this material world but not as a means to reach him.

If Krishna had actually instructed arjuna to give up all his duties; then after hearing the entire bhagavad gita arjuna would not have lifted his Weopen Gandiv to fight again. But after hearing the entire bhagavad gita carefully and assimilating all the instructions; arjuna fought i.e performed his duty as a service to god.
This is the Secret of Bhagavad Gita i.e "Work in devotion and the highest phylosophy of saranagathi."

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