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Sunday 26 February 2017

Mental Disturbances..

Today the so called modern scientists boasts of their great advancement in the field of Science & technology and talk on how evolved mankind has become from the bygone ages. However a question arises here, Has technology resulted in Human evolution?
Incidentally,  people today suffer from great mental disturbances in the form of mental depression, anxieties etc which has resulted in exponential rise in the number of suicides and crime rates in the society.
The Supreme Godhead Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita elaborately explains on the root cause of such mental disturbances existing today and provides a simple solution to transcend them.

yada te moha-kalilam
buddhir vyatitarisyati
tada gantasi nirvedam
srotavyasya srutasya ca ( 2.52)

sruti-vipratipanna te
yada sthasyati niscala
samadhav acala buddhis
tada yogam avapsyasi  (2.53)

When one abides by the laws of God one acquired piety ( punya ) and when one defies or disregards the laws of God, one is subject to Sin ( Papa ). This sins causes mental disturbances.

When one performs all actions for the service of the Supreme Lord Hari ( Karma Yogam ), then the Lord is pleased and destroys our sins ; which disturbs the mind. With a pure mind; one is able to meditate on his self ( atma ) and paramatma. By anudhyanam ( constant meditation without disturbance ) on the atma and paramatma one attains atma  sakshatkaram ( self realization of the soul  ). He then attains the mental state of supreme bliss by constantly meditating on the atma and paramatma.

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