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Monday 27 February 2017

Krishna's tip for Mind Control..

Before the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna talks about Mind Control, in Verse 60 2nd Chapter of Sri Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna talks about the rebellious nature of the senses which is a component of ones mind.

yatato hy api kaunteya
purusasya vipascitah
indriyani pramathini
haranti prasabham manah

" Hey Arjuna, even in spite of the wise man trying to control the senses and ones mind, the rebellious senses carry away forcible his mind. " 

Lack of Mind control & direction is one of the true reasons why we engage in frequent petty quarrels amongst family members, peers and workplaces. Sometimes this goes out of control and result in large scale fights and wars between different communities, societies, states and nations as a whole.

In Verse 61 of the 2nd Chapter of Sri Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna helps us with solution to control ones mind.

tani sarvani samyamya
yukta asita mat-parah
vase hi yasyendriyani
tasya prajna pratisthita

If a person desires to control ones senses; Sri Krishna talks of fixing ones Mind on him. He says " Because he is the Supreme pure, auspicious and full of unlimited good qualities; he is the only subject fit for meditation. Thus fixing ones mind on him --> a persons mind becomes purified of all contamination --> Thus it becomes free from attachment to sense objects --> Thus the senses are also brought under control. 

A person who thus has his mind under control achieves peace even while living in this world.

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