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Wednesday 22 February 2017

Krishna does not approve mechanical performance of Actions or Rituals.

In Sri Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 49; Sri Krishna says:

durena hy avaram karma
buddhi-yogad dhananjaya
buddhau saranam anviccha
krpanah phala-hetavah

" Actions with attachment to fruits is far inferior to Buddhi Yoga. Seek Refuge in this Buddhi Yoga".

Sri Krishna stresses, Karmas performed must not be a mere ritual, but buddhi ( intelligence ) must be attached to it. He critisizes those who perform for insignificant fruits as pitiable ( krpanah phala hetavah )

In the Chapter 5 Verse 33; Sri Krishna glorifies the portion of knowledge within an Action as far superior to ordinary works done mechanically.

sreyan dravya-mayad yajnaj
jnana-yajnah parantapa
sarvam karmakhilam partha
jnane parisamapyate ( 5.33 )

Again, in the Verse 4.18; Sri Krishna confirms : " He who sees Knowledge in Action and Action in Knowledge is the wise amongst  men and thus fit for liberation."

karmany akarma yah pasyed
akarmani ca karma yah
sa buddhiman manusyesu
sa yuktah krtsna-karma-krt ( 4.18)

In the Srimad Bhagavatham 10th Canto; we could see how the Rishis engaged in performing kevala karma ( ordinary karmas ) disregarded the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna who requested for some offerings. 

The knowledge portion of an action includes
a) The knowledge that the Self ( atman ) is different from the material body and subordinate to the            Supreme Lord.
b) Knowledge of the 3 Tyagas ( Karthruthva, Mamatha and Phala ).
c) One does an action being influenced by the 3 Gunas ( Sattva, Rajas and Tamas ).
d) The Supreme Lord Hari is the Supreme enjoyer of the fruits of the action.
e) The Knowledge that One must engage in these actions because of being ordained to do so by the Supreme Lord in his Vedic literatures and performance of which will purify one and destroy his papa and punya.

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