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Saturday 12 March 2016

'Company' , Supreme Lord Sri Hari and Onsite Opportunity.

A fresh college graduate sincerely desires to get into a job and thus applies to different companies who visit his campus. He gets selected after a rigorous selection process and joins as a trainee in a company. The company spends and provides complete training for his technical growth. Seeing his sincere work, the company itself facilitates and provides him onsite opportunity to represent his company on different projects.
The concept of Saranagathi is similar to this. The only qualification a saranagatha must process is a deep hunger to attain the Supreme and complete depandance on the mercy of the absolute truth. Just like the college graduate completely depends on the company for his technical training and growth, a saranagatha completely depends on Sri Hari. Thus the supreme lord acts as an upayam ( means ) step by step by providing various opportunities to attain him. He himself sends an acharya ( a spiritual truth ) and trains him in the esoteric meanings of the vedas. He himself destroys the papa ( sins )  of the saranagatha which act as an obstacle to attain him. He finally provides the saranagatha with the ultimate visa ( moksha ) to attain the ultimate onsite destination; that is; the Supreme land of Bliss 'Sri Vaikuntha'. All this is possible on account of the supreme quality Karuna ( compassion ) of the supreme lord towards his children the jivatmas ; which is contrary in the case of company ; who subjects the candidates to rigorous and strict selection process and scrutinization before recruiting them.


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