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Saturday 24 September 2011

Krishna and Acit Tattva

There are 3 categories of Tattvas: Cit, Acit and the Paramatma.
Cit refers to the Sentient(Living) Beings and acit refers to the Non-sentient Beings(Non Living things). The Paramatma is the supreme controller of both the cit and the acit and pervades them all.
Now how is Bhagavan Sriman Narayana and Acit related.
Both Bhagavan and Acit have the Power to attract those who come in contact with it. When one comes under the attractive influence of acit, his original jnana(Knowledge) becomes covered by the cloud of sense gratification.
When one becomes attracted to Bhagavan Sriman Narayana,  his knowledge increases and attains the same qualties of bhagavan i.e full of knowledge, bliss, eternity etc.
Therefore we must now decide unto which we must take shelter of?

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