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Monday 5 September 2011

Does Bhagavan care for us?

The way things are happening in this world, it is natural even for an Upstart Devotee to wonder whether does God really care for us. Since everything is under the Supreme Will of God, why are people still suffering? Aren't we the beloved Children of God?
Certainly! This can be understood from a Simple example. Whatever elctronic equipment or any goods we purchase comes with a User Manual. The User Manual contains Instructions related to how the Equipment needs to be Operated upon. If an egoistic person plainly discards the user manual and tries to whimsically experiment everything on his own; he is naturally bound to experience an electric Shock, which could also cost him his dear Life. Now is the Person who maufactured the electronic equipment responsible if that person experiences an electric Shock?  Certainly Not!
Similarly Bhagavan is the macro cause of the whole creation. He has given us intelligence, Vedic Literatures, his devotees, his divine Preceptors, our body, senses, Vedic Injunctions to learn the art of skillfully Living in this world and ultimately fulfill our purpose of  existence(that is to Go back home to SriMan Narayana's Personal Abode and render service to him.). But on account of our Minute independence we either have a choice to follow the injuctions of God or to disrespect him. People who disregard his teachings are punished by the divine laws of nature to take birth repeatedly again and again in this material world to experince Joy and Sorrow again and again.
We will see in our next article, how is disrespecting the Divine Laws of God ultimately Scientifically leads to our Bondage of Existence.

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