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Thursday 6 October 2011

How to become Immune from Infection of the Material World?

There is no doubt that this Material world is infected with the disease of Greed, Pride, envy,ego, ignorance which is nothing but the Product of the Mode of Passion(Rajo Gunam) and the Mode of Ignorance(Tamo Gunam).
For an aspiring transcendentalist, becoming free from their influence is a must to rise to the spiritual platform of Pure Love of God situated above the Mode of Goodness.
Out of his causeless mercy, Sriman Narayana(The Supreme Personality of Godhead) mercifully incarnates as the Archa Vigraha in Temples, as spiritual Masters(Vaishnavas), spiritual books, his Holy Names, offering and partaking of Vishnu Prasadam which are of the form of Pure Goodness(without contamination of Mode of Passion and Ignorance) which aspiring transcendentalists could constantly meditate and become immune from he Infections of the material world. 

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