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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Pearls of Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1.8

Bg 1.8

bhavān bhīṣmaś ca karṇaś ca
kṛpaś ca samitiṁ-jayaḥ
aśvatthāmā vikarṇaś ca
saumadattis tathaiva ca
There are personalities like you, Bhīṣma, Karṇa, Kṛpa, Aśvatthāmā, Vikarṇa and the son of Somadatta called Bhūriśravā, who are always victorious in battle.
1) Difference between Karna and Vibhishana
Ans) Both Vibhishana and Karna were in Dharma Sankata ( confusion as to in which side they would support during the war); however; after careful deep thinking and consideration, Vibhishana decided to leave his brother Ravana and go to Sri Rama; but Karna ; even though he knew Dharma was in the side of the Pandavas and victory was assured to them as Krishna was in their side; still 
because of his attachment with his friend Duryodhana; he remained in the side of Adharma at the cost of his own life.
2) Although Karna was equal to Arjuna in military and warfare skills; still he lost the war as he stood by the side of Adharma.

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