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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Iskcon Acharya Srila Prabhupad on Varnashrama Dharma-Part 2

June 14, 1976 Detroit
Prabhupada: Question is that your forefathers and fathers have got so much money, whether it has solved the problems of life?
Ambarisha: No, it hasn't solved any of their problems. It has multiplied them. (laughter)
Prabhupada: He is the best.... He could have personally owned this palace and lived very luxuriously. He has got the means. But he did not like that. He gave it to the Vaishnavas. So money cannot solve the problems. That is not possible…So why you cannot write propaganda? You should. You are preaching. You must meet them and must convince them that simply getting money is not the solution of the problem. That you have to convince.

June 15, 1976 Detroit
Foolish people enamored by modern living will not follow:
Wasteful, yes. Therefore I say they have no brain. All, they are rascals. Rascal leaders. A little labor in agriculture will be sufficient to produce the family’s food stock for the whole year. You can stock. You work only three months, and you get sufficient food for your whole family. And for nine months, you chant Hare Krishna. But these rascals will not do that. They will work hard like ass simply for eating. They will not accept easy life.

June 2, 1974, Geneva
Therefore we say change the society. Society means you and me. If we agree that this kind of civilization is wrong, then society, what does it mean? . . . So you make that four orders, and then society will be in order. But you are not taking Krishna’s advice. You are manufacturing your hellish ideas.

October 16, 1975 Mauritius
What is their economic progress? That means busy fool. Fool, they do not know how to satisfy the economic problem. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, You grow food grains. Then all economic questions are solved. But why you are not producing food grains? Why you are producing iron stools and instruments and motor and tire and collecting petrol far away from Arabia? That is... Krishna never says that “You do all this nonsense.” He said, “Grow food grains.”. . . No, that is waste of energy. Because you are eating the bulls, therefore you require a tractor. Otherwise you don’t kill the bulls. This animal will do the business of tractor.

October 19, 1975
Better one should be satisfied with agricultural produce than go into large cities to be engaged in industry. Peaceful life depending on agricultural produce can bring him real happiness and prosperity, not otherwise. The more persons will be satisfied at their home, with home economics, not to go outside the home, that is peaceful life.
Letter to Rayarama dasa,

17 October, 1968
Our farm project is they should be satisfied with simple living. That is nice living. If you get milk, if you get fruit, if you get grain and open air, it is very healthy life.
This should be our aim. We should not be attracted by the modern city life. Simplified life. Save time and utilize for advancing in Krishna consciousness. That is perfect life.
Just like Vrindavana. Vrindavanalife means cowherd boys, uneducated girls, cows and calves, and tree, fruits. This is Vrindavana. The center is Krishna. And they are the topmost devotees. These uneducated cow-men, they are Krishna’s best friend. Unsophisticated, no education, but love intense—that is perfect. That attracted Krishna more.
We Must Create Culture & Ideal Example:
But there is cooperation between brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra, and the society makes progress simultaneously for everyone. That is human society. At the present moment mostly all of them remain sudras or less..., candalas. So how there can be any peace? It is not possible. There is no brahmana, no ksatriya, maybe a few vaisyas only. They are also half-reformed. And European culture, that is candela culture, yavana culture. There is no reformation, no brahmana, no ksatriya, no vaisyas, . . .  simply sudras and candalas mostly candalas. So Krishna consciousness movement is means for thoroughly overhauling the whole human society. (aside:) Hare Krishna. Thank you.

September 25, 1975, Ahmedabad
Regarding the elements in our tradition relating to dharma and shastra, we must adopt the whole varnas and ashramas as they are recommended in all the shastra. If you give up these directions of the shastras, that is neither dharma nor shastra. It is directed in the Bhagavad-gita that the four divisions of social and the four divisions of religious systems like brahmana, ksatriya, vaishya, shudra, brahmacari, grihastha, vanaprastha and sannyasi must be adopted.

April 20, 1975 Vrindavana
The whole western world is going on for industry, for making money, eat, drink, be merry, wine and women. That’s... They’re all less than зьdras and caлтдlas. This is the first time attempt is being made to make them human beings.

March 14, 1974, Vrindavana
No, no. That... You have created this animal civilization. Now they are coming out as naked animals. This is the result. Now you have to reform them. That reformation is Krsna consciousness. So you have to make an example, what is actually human life. Then others will see. You cannot stop them. But some of them, those who are intelligent, they will see, “Yes, here is life.” As they are coming to nakedness, they will come to this, our mode of life. So you have to become an ideal society. You live locally, and be self-sufficient. They will see that it is possible to live locally without movement, and still highly cultured men, self-sufficient. That is required.
So you have to set up real human society in a small scale so people will see, “Yes.”

May 28, 1974, Rome
So similarly, in villages, everyone, if he has got some land, he can live simply without any gorgeous building. What is the use? Just have a cottage and have garden. You’ll live very peacefully…Produce your own food, live peacefully, fresh vegetable, fresh grains, fresh milk, and prepare so many nice milk preparation, kachori, halava,with ghee. Offer to the Deity. Eat sufficiently. What is the use of going outside? Simple life and chant Hare Krishna. . .  What is this rascal civilization, whole day “Where is money? Where is money? Where is money? Where is money? Where is money?” Everyone. Busy means “Where is money? Where is money?” Just like the hog, he is busy: “What time...? Where is stool? Where is stool? Where is stool? Where is stool? Where is stool?” That is not civilization.
First of all be engaged yourself. Then they will see  the example and they’ll join.

October 5, 1975 Mauritius
Ideal Society:
This should be exemplary, that our community shall live in this way and save time for spiritual advancement of life. This example should be shown to the whole world, that “Here is a community. They have no problem, and they are simply interested in Krishna consciousness.” This will be the idea. Is it possible?
HansauLta: Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes. “They do not do any industry. They do not kill cows. They do not go to cinema. They do not have illicit sex. They don’t drink. No problems. Simply they’re eating very nicely and chanting Hare Krishna.” Show this example.

March 16, 1976, Mayapur
Grow Your Own:
.. . . You must be attractive to bring them. And that is spiritual attraction. You must behave yourself nicely…Purity is required. That will attract. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. One must be pure. Then he will be able to attract. So if they see practically that “These people are very happy; they have no anxiety,” then they will be attracted. Is it not? What is the difficulty? …Otherwise the idea which I am giving, you can start anywhere, anywhere, any part of the world. It doesn’t matter. Locally you produce your own food. You get your own cloth. Have sufficient milk, vegetables. Then what you want more? And chant Hare Krishna. This is Vedic civilization: plain living, high thinking. And poor thinking, poor in thought, poor in behavior, and living with motorcar and this, that, nonsense. It is all nonsense civilization…
Indian man: Car is a necessity, Swamiji, don’t you think so? Car is a necessity.
Prabhupada: Not necessary. What is the use of car? If you locate yourself to get everything, your necessity, then where is the use of car?
So long it is not available, we must take the best advantage. That is another thing. But gradually we shall develop a society that all these unnecessary rubbish things should be rejected. That is the idea.

October 28, 1975 Nairobi
So you produce your own food grains, not for making money but just for feeding yourself and the animals, cows… And then you become peaceful, no anxiety for your maintenance. And then cultivate this spiritual knowledge the same way. Have a temple there. Have... Go on chanting, offering prasadam. You have got your food grains. Don’t be dependent on anyone else. Become self-independent. And don’t be after money. Simply produce your bare necessities of life. Keep yourself fit, strong. And chant Hare Krishna, read book. Then you’ll grow strong. Is there any difficulty?
June 19, 1976 Toronto
Therefore the constitution of manava-dharma or the institution of varnashrama must be interesting for the whole world, and it should be exemplified by practical demonstration.
The immediate program should be village organization as Mahatma Gandhi contemplated. In India the majority of the population is in the villages. The difficulty is that there is no sufficient supply of water to produce food grains. Mother nature, or mother Durga, punishes the godless demons by restricting the supply of food grains. The godless demons are very enthusiastic to produce motorcars, skyscrapers, brothels, and cinemas, and many unnecessary demands of the body, but they are not interested in producing food grains. This is the defect of the modern society.
Hyderabad, 23 April, 1974
There is the institution of varnashrama. Catur-varnyam maya... Krsna says, “I have made this varnashrama for the benefit of the whole human society, although I don’t belong to any varna, asrama.” Krsna has nothing to do. But to maintain the human society very peaceful, advancing in spiritual knowledge, this varnashrama is required. Therefore sometimes I become very eager to start a varnashrama college. We have nothing to do with varnashrama, but we want to see that the whole human society is peaceful. That is our mission.

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