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Tuesday 14 February 2012

All Living Entities Subsist on Food Grains

Today’s economic system is sustained on the rapidly increasing and practically unlimited need for certain natural resources, such as oil, in a world where these resources are obviously limited
The inevitable failure of an economic system focused on the production and need of increasing luxuries (things not absolutely essential) at the sacrifice of the production of basic necessities:

“But instead of producing food grains, we are producing Goodyear tires. So how we can eat? Now when there is scarcity of foodstuff you cannot eat the Goodyear tires. But people’s attention has been diverted in the industrial activities. They are given allurement, ‘Come here. I shall give you twenty rupees per day. You give up your agricultural activities. You come in the factory. Produce tire, tube, iron steel.’ And so on. So we are violating the orders of Krishna. Krishna says to produce food grain. But we are producing unnecessary things. And therefore you are suffering. Krishna is giving very good advice: annad bhavanti bhutani. You produce sufficient food grain, all over, not only here. Another anartha is this nationalism. Nationalism: ‘This is America.’ ‘This is India.’ ‘This is Africa.’ ‘This is Australia.’ Why? Isavasyam idam sarvam (Sri Isopanisad Mantra 1). Simple thing. Everything belongs to God. Isavasya. There will be no scarcity. There are sufficient land still without any cultivation. In Africa there are still sufficient land. But they are utilizing it for producing coffee and tea. No food grains. So these are the anarthas. Anartha. Unnecessary. People will not die without coffee and tea. But they have made the whole world self-dependent on coffee and tea, mercantile policy. There is anartha.”

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