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Saturday 1 April 2017

Can Sastras be Adjusted according to Time ?

The Time we are living is completely different from the days 50 years back. With rapid so called economic development; the amount of work has been superficially increased, our priorities have shifted focus, the times we spend together with our family has reduced and consequently the number of people sincerely adopting relegion and its principles have reduced.
Irrespective of all these factors, our dear Swamigal says " To revive our relegion and its principles and to increase once followers; one must not twist the meanings of the Sastras and its principles for the cheap adoration of the public.".
Q) Why Sastras cannot be adjusted according to Time we live in ?
Ans) Our relegion is technically called Sanatana Dharma. As the name suggests, it is Sanatana ( Eternal ) as its based on the Vedas which is  unlimited and anadhi ( eternal ) and thus have no beginning. It was directly propagated by the Supreme Lord Narayana who is the knower of past, present and future and thus the vedas and its teachings are applicable for all times. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam glorifies the Supreme Lord Narayana as "Bhutha Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu:" i.e One who is the Knower of Past, Present and Future.
 Sri Krishna in the 4th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita explains the teachings of the Vedas as Imperishable and also simultaneously instructs all to follow the path of our predecessors who seriously practised the teachings for ultimate liberation.

sri-bhagavan uvaca
imam vivasvate yogam
proktavan aham avyayam
vivasvan manave praha
manur iksvakave 'bravit ( 4.1 )

I have instructed this imperishable process of Yoga to the Sun God Vivasvan millions of years ago. The Sun God explained to Manu and Manu explained to Ikshvaku,"

evam parampara-praptam
imam rajarsayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata
yogo nastah parantapa ( 4.2 )

 The Saintly Kings thus obtained this imperishable science of Yoga through generations "

evam jnatva krtam karma
purvair api mumuksubhih
kuru karmaiva tasmat tvam
purvaih purvataram krtam ( 4.15)

Thus you also practise this Karma Yoga which as done by ancient people in old times who desired liberation. "

Sri Krishna clearly confirms in the 16th Chapter of Sri Bhagavad Gita.

tasmat chastram pramanam te
jnatva sastra-vidhanoktam
karma kartum iharhasi ( 16.24 )

Thus Sastram is the Pramanam ( the Supreme evidence and proof ) for what is duty & what is not duty, What is right and What is wrong. Knowing such rules and regulations one should perform once duties."

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