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Wednesday 20 April 2016

Hands that serve are better than lips that pray ??

Today we hear this common saying quoted by everyone; that is " Hands that serve are better than lips that pray". Is this saying a recent invention? or has been practised since the past?

According to our Sanatana Dharma; our eternal preceptors in this line have practised the art of " lips that prays along with hands that serve". Just like two parallel running railway tracks that accompanies each itself in the path; similarly hands cannot serve truly until it is empowered with true determination and selfless service which is obtained by praying unto the Divine.

Today we hear people engaged in different social welfare activities from the NGO's and in addition different influential business magnates and politicians performing different social services to the common men. But are these activities truly dedicated to others without a hidden agenda of material profit, self adoration, display of power, political domination etc...?
Unless each individual is helped to understand and develop its lost relationship with the Supreme Divine and trained to pray, there is no chance for individuals hearts to get purified of all material contamination. Unless the hearts are purified, there is no chance of sincere selfless service to sprout from the core of ones heart.

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